About APDM

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The National Company 'Maritime Danube Ports Administration' SA (CN APDM SA) ensures quality of port administration and is the port authority for all ports (click View Ports) located on the Romanian river-maritime sector of the Danube.

The ports on the Maritime Danube River are located at the intersection of two modes of transport, inland and sea waterways, ensuring openings to the Black Sea and the North Sea, by positioning them on Corridor VII of the TEN-T network, Rhine-Main-Danube. 'Our main concern is focused on ensuring the quality of port services provided to all beneficiaries of the company. We want to ensure a favorable environment for the development of port activities. We are confident that our success is based on a close collaboration between the port administration and the port community.'

C.N. A.P.D.M. S.A. Galati

The port's infrastructure managed by CN APDM SA Galati is part of the public domain of national interest.

The Maritime Danube Ports Administration S.A. Galati was founded in 1991, and then reorganized into a national company through Decision no. 518/1998 by the Romanian Government, with the subsequent changes and completions, now serves as a joint stock company and carries out activities of national public interest.

In over 22 years of activity, our company has consolidated a brand reputation in terms of efficiency and professionalism of the services offered.

The company manages the entire port infrastructure located on the maritime Danube, respectively port lands and ship mooring fronts, from Mm 12.5 to km 17.5 and km 251 to km 255, including the ports of Galati, Braila, Tulcea, Harsova, Isaccea, Mahmudia and the secondary Danube arms Macin, Chilia and Sf. Gheorghe.

Within CN APDM SA Galati, an integrated quality, environment management system was implemented and certified, in accordance with:

The Maritime Danube Ports Administration S.A. Galati is the holder of concession for the administration of the public domain and exercises its prerogatives by:

  • making berths available to river and sea vessels;
  • renting space to port operators;
  • ship waste management;
  • other port services.

To develop and promote all ports located on the maritime sector of the Danube, to integrate them in the river, maritime, road and railway transport routes, to promote the river-maritime trade by providing competitive port services that respect the community and the environment.

  • Efficiency and efficacy running the integrated management system;
  • Management through objectives and performance standards;
  • Following the fundamental principles of corporate management;
  • Fulfilling objectives established in compliance with the environmental quality requirements;
  • Ensuring administrative and decision-making transparency in internal and external environments;
  • Compliance with national laws and legal regulations as well as European Union legislation;
  • Developing an organizational culture regarding on the job performance and risk management;
  • Providing quality, secure and cost-effective services for the company's customers;
  • Correctness, responsibility, respect in relations with our customers;
  • Initiating and developing partnerships with national and international organizations, based on "Win - Win" principles;
  • Succession planning, professional competence through continuous training and preparation;
  • Safety, health and occupational risk prevention;
  • Promoting operational practices designed to reduce the environmental impact associated with the activities carried out within the company;
  • Ensuring the functionality of port infrastructure through repair and maintenance activities, leading to minimum mandatory maintenance of technical characteristics.
  • Upgrading the existing port infrastructure through the development of specialized terminals in order to interconnect the ports managed by the company with the trans-European transport network.
  • Providing adequate and competitive port services, in compliance with the legal provisions and the principle of equal treatment and non-discrimination.
  • Promoting the ports located on the maritime sector of the Danube in order to integrate them in the national and international river, maritime, railway and road transport routes.
  • Optimizing consumption of material and financial resources, in accordance with the activities carried out and with the services offered to the clients.
  • Implementing efficient human resources management practices, by improving professional skills and motivating company employees, ensuring a correct and relevant operational system for evaluating performance
  • Using forecast documents (strategies, plans, programs) and monitoring processes of all activities within the company.
  • Reducing the negative impact on the environment caused by river transport activities and implementing specific measures aimed at improving environmental quality, and safety at work.
  • Optimal monitoring of budget execution, in accordance with operational needs.
  • Prevention development and monitoring activities to protect the allocated resources against losses due to waste, abuse, errors or fraud.
  • Ensuring public and free access to information.
  • Ensuring the reliability of the information used within the company / shared with third parties.
  • Allocation of financial resources in conditions of legality, efficiency, effectiveness, economy.
  • Adequate implementation of a regulatory framework and standards through policies, procedures, compliance documents.

Palace of Navigation's MONOGRAPH

THE NAVIGATION PALACE is located in Galați, 34 Portului Street, the building being a symbol for the city of Galați, but also a special example of Romanian expressiveness on the Danube riverside area.

Since 1998 the building is owned by CN APDM SA Galați, serving as the company's headquarters. In 2004, was added to Galati's list of historical monuments, position 167, code GL-II-m-B-03064, under the name Galati River Station.

In the period 1909-1912, until 1914-1915, the Palace of the Romanian River Navigation Administration is designed and built (known, today, as the Palace of Navigation). The elaboration of the plans and the supervision of the construction works belong to the disciple of Ion Mincu, the young architect Petre Antonescu rector of the Romanian Academy of Architecture in the interwar period, to whose name the design of the Capital City Hall building or the Faculty of Law in Bucharest is related.

“The General Directorate of River Navigation, based in Galați, used a plot of land right at the entrance to the port, between the embankment at the embarkation point for the navigation line on the Danube and between the main access artery in the port ”as stated by the author author Petre Antonescu in the monograph“ BUILDINGS. Constructions, Projects and Studies ”.

Architectural and technical elements

It is the first building in Romania to use a monolithic reinforced concrete skeleton. Because it's build on loessoid terrain, sensitive to moisture, the Navigation Palace is supported on pillars. Geometric decorations specific to Romanian folk art adorn the building. The exterior plasters are made of artificial stone, and above the doors, at the entrance on the platform of the river station, there is a protective roof on the exterior staircase, supported by oak consoles, decorated with geometric motifs. On the north-east corner stands a tower, higher than the roof of the building, in which there is a honorary staircase. From the top of the tower you can admire the panorama of the port. In the central area of the building, on the ground floor, was the waiting room and the counters where passengers bought tickets for the boat trip. The roof of the building is designed in a special way, with a wooden frame and slate roofs, with eaves on consoles and rafters made of oak.

Executive Management of C.N A.P.D.M S.A Galati

Costea Marcela Daniela

Director General

Tivilichi Nicolae-Dan

Director General Adjunct

Cozma Simona

Director Economic

Full list of people with lead management positions

Branches of A.P.D.M


Galați's port is the largest river and sea port on the Danube and the second largest Romanian port. Located in the city of Galati, the port is an important source of income for the city - it has attracted many national and international companies operating here.


Brăila's port is one of the largest Romanian river and seaports. Located in the city of Brăila, stretching from km. 175 to km. 167 - Danube, on both banks, the port is an important source of income for the city, due to the many large international companies operating here.


Tulcea's port is one of the largest and most important Romanian river and seaports. Located in the city of Tulcea, between NMI 42 - NMI 34 Danube, on both banks. The port of Tulcea has 330 meters long operational vertical quays.