Brăila Port

Brăila's port is one of the largest Romanian river and seaports. Located in the city of Brăila, stretching from km. 175 to km. 167 - Danube, on both banks, the port is an important source of income for the city, due to the many large international companies operating here.

Hârșova Port

Turcoaia Port

Măcin Port

Gura Arman Port

Main features:

  • Total area: 414,965 sqm;
  • Number of port basins: 1;
  • Length: 3.140 ml;
  • Number of operating berths: 25;
  • Facilities for ship docking during the winter;
  • Connection with the national railway network;
  • Wide gauge railway - along operating berths;
  • Rail charges point;
  • Connection with the national road system;
  • Goods storage facilities (open platforms and closed warehouses);
  • Port equipment for ship operation;
  • Silo for cereals;
  • Bunkering operations;
  • Ship maintenance facilities;
  • Free Zone;
  • Customs house
  • STX RO Offshore Site Braila SA;
  • Cereal terminal;
  • Cleaning warehouses and storage spaces on ships;
  • Cleaning and degassing of fuel tanks.