Brăila's port is one of the largest Romanian river and seaports. Located in the city of Brăila, stretching from km. 175 to km. 167 - Danube, on both banks, the port is an important source of income for the city, due to the many large international companies operating here.
Main features:
- Total area: 414,965 sqm;
- Number of port basins: 1;
- Length: 3.140 ml;
- Number of operating berths: 25;
- Facilities for ship docking during the winter;
- Connection with the national railway network;
- Wide gauge railway - along operating berths;
- Rail charges point;
- Connection with the national road system;
- Goods storage facilities (open platforms and closed warehouses);
- Port equipment for ship operation;
- Silo for cereals;
- Bunkering operations;
- Ship maintenance facilities;
- Free Zone;
- Customs house
- STX RO Offshore Site Braila SA;
- Cereal terminal;
- Cleaning warehouses and storage spaces on ships;
- Cleaning and degassing of fuel tanks.